With temperatures over 100 degrees, and riders taking long trips and getting ready to head to Sturgis in August, riders must understand that riding can come with challenges such as dehydration. Dehydration can happen quickly in motorcyclists, decreasing your ability to ride safely and even threatening your life if not properly treated. Motorcycle riding, like other sports, is a physical activity putting strain on your muscles and causing your body to release heat through sweat. If you must ride during the day or are traveling thru, we encourage you to go on our website (www.coloradoridernews.com) and read the June article by Shannon “Dazzlin” Venturo called 10 Tips to Stay Cool on Hot Motorcycle Rides. This article gives great tips on planning your ride and staying hydrated.
This month our online publication starts our 3rd Annual Colorado BEST of the BEST contest; we ask the readers to vote each year and tell us who has the BEST of the BEST in each of our categories. Starting in July, voters will write in their favorite business in each category. August, we will tabulate the Top 3 for a semi-finalist round and readers will have an entire month to vote for the Top 3 semi-finalists. Final voting will be published in our September CRN issue.
Suppose Arizona is on your destination list this year. In that case, we have two great articles from riders who recently took trips to Arizona and shared with us some great history about their destinations. If you took a Bucket List trip this year and would like to submit a story to Colorado Rider News, we would love to hear from you. You can submit your article by emailing us at info@coloradoridernews.com
Motorcycle riders are still being injured or killed in record numbers surpassing the 33% increase in fatalities in 2020, and this publication will continue to put a FACE on this injustice. Our sponsor RiderJustice.com helps riders with insurance reviews on their current motorcycle coverage, living wills, and BikerDown Foundation offers an Aflac Accident policy inclusive in their monthly $35.00 per month Roadside Assistance membership. As riders must consider these types of upgrades in our coverages before their next ride. Driver’s are still out driving distracted, leaving the scene, and continue to have limited insurance or no insurance at all. The injured riders are left alone to bear the burden of their recovery on their own. If riders increased their insurance to include under-insured or uninsured motorist coverage on their car or bike, this would provide them with some assistance to help them recover.
Our Calendar of Events section is also growing as mask mandates. COVID restrictions have been removed, so we look forward to your continued addition of events to the calendar.
Please ride safe out there!
Laurie Montoya
Colorado Rider News