According to a Facebook Live video broadcast from downtown Estes Park in January, the Full Throttle Saloon, which some may know from the reality TV series of the same name, will be opening a distillery on Elkhorn Avenue in the coming year.

Michael Ballard, owner of the Full Throttle Saloon is no stranger to the biker community in Sturgis. The Saloon is known as the largest biker bar in the world and is one of the main features of the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally that takes place every August.

Ballard was visiting Estes Park in January and immediately fell in love with Colorado and is quote in his Facebook Live video “ Look at this … look at how beautiful this place is,” said Ballard, remarking on the lights and charm of downtown Estes Park. “I don’t know if you have ever been to Estes Park, but it is beautiful.”
“I am in Estes Park, Colorado right now and we have been down here now for the past few days … I just bought this building here right behind me,” Ballard says while gesturing to Bob and Tony’s Pizzeria. “We’re going to be putting a Full Throttle Distillery in right here in downtown Estes Park.”
In the video, which currently has over 60,000 views, Ballard announces that he has purchased a property on Elkhorn Avenue in downtown Estes Park.

Full Throttle Distillery will offer riders who already visit Estes Park on a regular basis and location to call their own. Ballard will offer more than just his distillery, it is reported that the building will indeed be turned into a distillery, Ballard says he is not getting rid of the pizza entirely. “We’re still going to be keeping some of the pizza that’s here that they will also offer food and other Full Throttle clothing and souvenirs

On top of Bob and Tony’s Pizza, Ballard says he purchased another building outside of the downtown corridor, although it is still unclear exactly where that is.