It’s April! Already, warm days have peeked into our tumultuous Colorado weather, bringing 70s in March… then whomping us with a record-setting blizzard. From my law office on 6th Avenue and Ogden, I have already noticed an uptick in motorcycle traffic and, for me, it’s like a harbinger of spring!
Before I get into my spring “get-ready-to-ride-safely” checklist, I want to answer a question that I recently received from a rider buddy. He and I were chatting at Dirty Dogs Roadhouse and I thought I should address it in an article.
Where Do Most Motorcycle Accidents Occur in Colorado?

I often get asked about the most dangerous intersections in Denver however, when analyzing where most motorcycle accidents happen, I have to say that it’s very similar to where most auto accidents occur: intersections. And the number-one cause of motorcycle accidents is left-hand turns in front of oncoming traffic.
All too often, cars underestimate how fast motorcycles are traveling and pull out in front of them when taking a left-hand turn. Or, auto drivers maintain that they never saw the motorcycle coming. Of course, in both of these types of accidents, the auto driver is at fault. But that does little to soothe the victims or the victims’ families, whose lives may have been completely ruined.
You need to ride defensively and behave as if you think no one can see you. When you are approaching an intersection, use caution.
Another place where most motorcycle accidents occur in Colorado is on highways and open roads. This is because of the high speeds. Motorcyclists get a bad rap for being speed demons (and we’ve all seen the riders who give us this reputation), but most of the riders I know are responsible and law-abiding. However, even when a motorcyclist is traveling at the speed limit, highway speeds are very high and crashes at those speeds are generally tragic for bikers.
As Mike Douglass of the Aurora Police Department said in a recent Westword article:
“When you have highways or roadways that allow for higher speeds, a car does a better job of protecting people. You have seat belts, closed passenger compartments and a lot more body and weight to help protect the occupants. And with motorcyclists, you can have the unintended consequence of the rider coming off the bike.”
So, the two places that motorcycle accidents occur the most are intersections and highways. Please be vigilant and ride defensively anywhere you ride, but especially when approaching an intersection or on a highway.
Get Ready to Ride Your Motorcycle This Spring!
OK, now that the tough stuff is out of the way, let’s focus on the fun stuff: getting your bike out for the warm weather! I want to remind you to do one thing that is super important before you even ride around the block: turn your motorcycle insurance back on if you turned it off last fall.
All too often, I meet injured riders who “just took it out for a spin” on the first warm day and didn’t switch their insurance on. They are left with huge medical bills and sometimes can’t even work due to injuries.
What about the other guy’s insurance, you ask? Very often, the “other guy” doesn’t have insurance or is underinsured. You have to protect yourself.
So, before you ride… call your insurance agent and turn that policy on today. We’ve already had beautiful days and you know the itch to ride is growing. Do it now so that you can hop on your bike when those temps start climbing again.
Rider Up! Share This Video on Your Social Media Channels
Finally, let’s make sure the rest of the world is ready to SEE us and PROTECT us this spring! In 2019, Rider Justice launched a campaign that we call Rider Up! It’s a game that challenges car passengers to be the first to spot a motorcyclist and yell its location in relation to the car. The player who spots and yells first is the winner. The goal is to have auto passengers help drivers locate nearby bikers, and to also train future drivers to look for and see motorcyclists on the road.
Check it out at riderjustice.com. Please help us get the word out now that the daffodils are emerging and the motorcycle engines are revving.
Hope to see you soon at a Rider Justice event!