Our riding community and nation are under siege from a virus spreading worldwide called coronavirus (COVID-19). If you would have asked me in January what the coronavirus was, I probably would have thought it was a new ad campaign for Corona beer. Every part of our daily lives has changed by COVID-19: the way we say hello, the biker hug, handshakes and direct contact. Our Colorado roadways are brisker for those of you going to/from work each day and for some, they are learning how to work from home instead of going to the office.
Over the past few weeks our daily lives have been changing with daily updates from mainstream media, our local government officials and a slew of emails from every business I have ever given my email too. I know more people who have temporarily lost their jobs or businesses shutdown, than I know people who have the virus. My television is on 24/7 listening for updates and I have found my life glued to the TV while I am practicing a stay-at-home policy. I am 57 years old and just under the line of the most high-risk age group to be affected.
Last week, a group of local motorcycle focused business leaders and community figures came together to discuss ways we could best support motorcycle businesses through these strange times. This team has been virtually meeting daily to discuss ways to drive community support and is made up of myself; Scott O’Sullivan, founder of Rider Justice and The O’Sullivan Law Firm; Chere Martin of Rider Justice; Andrew Campo of META Magazine; Rob Tompkins of Dirty Dogs Roadhouse, and BikerDown. We have also received valuable input from other vested community members including Jason White of Fay Myers and Dave Burke of Aces Motorcycles Denver.
Our goal is to support:
- Motorcycle focused businesses negatively impacted by social distancing and government shutdowns or restrictions and
- Individuals in the riding community who are negatively affected by loss of income
While all of us are impacted in some way, we also know that there are a number in our community who are still stable and wanting to help. We intend to share ways that those who can, can help others. We have named this overall effort Colorado Riders Care and communications are being shared via the Colorado Rider News website. This is a one-stop place where local biker owned businesses and resources will be shared. We are working with businesses to find out how they are diversifying their products and services so they can continue to serve customers and the community now, and once the coronavirus threat has passed.
If you are a biker owned or biker serving business, you can submit your business information online now.
Learn more about our efforts to help through our program #2Wheels4Meals.