While the Colorado legislature is on recess due to COVID-19, it would still be helpful if supporters contacted the House Transportation & Local Gov’t Committee to request their support of SB20-065, Use of Electronic Mobile Devices While Driving. They are currently scheduled to hear the Bill on April 8. We’ll provide updates on the status of the Bill as they become available on the CORD Facebook page. You can also support the bill (with safe social distancing) by signing the online petition on the Rider Justice website.
Matt Gray, Committee Chair
- matt@matthewgray.us
- 303-866-4667
Tony Exum, Sr.
- tony.exum.house@state.co.us
- 303-866-3069
Terri Carver
- terri.carver.house@state.co.us
- 303-866-2191
Marc Catlin
- marc.catlin.house@state.co.us
- 303-866-2955
Meg Froelich
- meg.froelich.house@state.co.us
- 303-866-2921
Edie Hooton
- edie.hooton.house@state.co.us
- 303-866-2915
Stephen Humphrey
- rephumphrey48@yahoo.com
- 303-866-2943
Jovan Melton
- jovan.melton.house@state.co.us
- 303-866-2919
Alex Valdez
- alex.valdez.house@state.co.us
- 303-866-2925
Donald Valdez
- donald.valdez.house@state.co.us
- 303-866-2916
James Wilson
- representativewilson@gmail.com
- 303-866-2747