So much work went into the first wave of renovations of a building that had been neglected by others for years. It would require more than repainting. Dirty Dogs had to have a certain biker flair but keep the same visual of the Susie’s we loved. The biker community didn’t disappoint and supported and packed Dirty Dogs from the moment that it opened.

When Mark and Rob ventured into the transformation of our beloved Susie’s bar, no-one could have imagined the Dirty Dogs Roadhouse that is 2 years in the making. Vintage riders longed to have a true biker bar back in Golden and a place to go where they were understood and welcomed.
Next came Mark and Rob’s vision to create an outdoor patio area that could accommodate the overwhelming number of riders that were coming in on the weekends. For months, customers would come just to watch Mark & Rob doing the improvements themselves and you could see the excitement each week as another intricate piece of wall or concrete was poured.

The 3rd wave was the outdoor stage area that would enable Mark & Rob to bring bigger entertainment and host multiple riding events simultaneously. The 4th wave was the upper parking lot to enable more riders and vehicles to safely park. And who could forget the yellow buses they bought to transport riders to/from the Freedom Fest at Jeffco fairgrounds.
Dirty Dogs will be hosting their 2nd Anniversary Birthday party on October 12th so SAVE THE DATE and Thank you Dirty Dogs for giving the biker community in Denver a place to call HOME!