This will be the 7th year that BikerDown will host Breakfast In the Park at Aurora Sports Park the morning of the Toy Run.

Volunteers will arrive at 7:30 am and breakfast begins at 8 am sharp. This has become a tradition in the morning and gives the riders a place to socialize, wake up and get in line early so they can be at the start of the parade. It has always been a contest to see who can be the first 100 riders lined up for the parade.

In colder years, it has also served as a place with propane heaters so riders could warm up and meet up with friends. Chomper can be seen blowing up Winter characters and playing Christmas music… Chomper collects blowup all year long to create winter wonderland. Our heart and soul has gone into creating this centrally located meeting place in a sea of motorcycles.

With the help of some great donors such as Scott O’Sullivan, Burrito Giant, Starbuck, Pepsi-Cola, Costco and a variety of others who give amazing discounts to support this event, everything is donated thereby allowing us to give the proceeds of this event to Children’s Hospital and BikerDown Foundation.

In 2017, BikerDown presented a check to Children’s Hospital in the amount of $2,500 and we hope that we can exceed that amount in 2018.

We are asking all riders, groups and organizations to come out Sunday morning and be a part of our Breakfast in the Park.