By Andrea Clarke
So I’m sure a lot have you had heard that my friend Marne got into a very bad motorcycle accident on Saturday April 10th 2021. As a result she sustained severe brain damage on the left side of her brain, a broken collarbone and damage to her kidney. She was put into an induced coma for approximately 5 days, at that point she took another 3 days to become a bit more awake. We don’t know what the outcome will be for her and what her quality of life will be yet, it takes a very long time. A few of us put together a candlelight vigil about a week after her accident to send her prayers, white healing light and positive vibrations. We also are in the process of raising money for her.
The vigil raised about $5,000 and the GoFundMe has raised over $8,000. I was overwhelmed by the love and support at the vigil held at Dirty Dogs Roadhouse. The amount of hugs I personally received was amazing. Thank you all so much.
As I’m sure you all know insurance covers only so much, next week the doctors are most likely going to put her in a long-term care facility where her rehab will continue. She has a tracheotomy and a feeding tube so they want to try and wean her off of the tracheotomy slowly. Marne is a strong and fiery woman, she is fiercely independent and one of the most giving and compassionate humans I have met. I miss my girl. She needs all our prayers right now.
I will give you all her GoFundMe information so please do whatever you’re comfortable with to help her no amount is too small. We are also selling #marnestrong t-shirts to raise money. You can contact myself or Nathan through our emails, addresses will be below.
Thanks again to everyone that has helped out and has kept her in your prayers daily please continue it as she will be needing it for a long road ahead of her.