By Sonny Gartin, The Badgers
Support Bikers Crew has chosen the Biker Down Foundation to raise money for during their World Record Poker Run of 2021 from Florida to Sturgis. The Badgers asked their fans to help them choose an organization that supports bikers. “The ultimate goal was to find an organization that supports ALL bikers and goes along with our tagline “Bikers Supporting Bikers,” said Sonny Gartin with The Badgers and The Biker Lifestyle. He is one of the founders of SupportBikers.com and the person who came up with the idea to beat a world record.

“I had no idea there was an organization out there like this who helps bikers when they go down. I knew the Badgers were looking for a small organization that helped bikers and would benefit from getting nation-wide exposure.” said Karen from Ireland, one of the Support Bikers Crew. Because of Karen’s suggestion, Sonny reached out to President & Founder Laurie Montoya in February to learn about her organization. The deadline to find an organization was March 1st and the pressure was on until Sonny hung up the phone with Laurie and went straight to Momma Badger to tell her this was the one. This would be the perfect fit. As they support all bikers and biker’s families.
There were many things that stood out in the conversation. Laurie’s passion to help every person that reaches out to her. The knowledge that she has from experience and legal background to provide answers to questions that people do not even think to ask. The tools to provide fundraising should the need arise. Plus, Laurie as a whole arsenal of things to offer the biker community in the form of motorcycle awareness.
“We are so excited to have Laurie as part of the Support Bikers family and the fact that she gets to ride with us on this World Record Poker Run to tell everyone about Biker Down makes it even more epic!” said Momma Badger also known as Angie.

The World Record Poker Run was so impressed with BikerDown that we reorganized our ride to go thru Golden Colorado for an overnight stop and to see the #1 Biker Bar in Colorado Dirty Dogs Roadhouse.