Mike and Krisi Schaff were killed on their motorcycle by a distracted driver

By: Stormy

On October 18th, The Becker Band and Cool Biker Lunch and Rides hosted a poker run for Mike and Krisi Schaff who were lost from a tragic motorcycle accident on 104th Avenue last month. They left behind three children Tony, Kayli, and Kristian.  The poker run raised $5,000.00 for the three kids.  The organizers would like to thank the five venues for letting them use their places for the poker run: Eagles #3226, Tailfeathers, Floodstage, Cheers, and Brewski’s.  

There were over 80 raffle prizes donated to the cause.  A big thank you for the following donators: 

The organizers would also like to give a shout out to the volunteers. Thank you Ed Collins, Kristi Strother, Babette Canacari, Erik Crystal Raymond, Joe Dory, Jennifer Kaup Dory, Patricia Broncos Pere, Michele Tusi, Mary Macias, Samantha Callahan, June Hutch, Crystal, Heather Pevan, Katie Pearson, Tom Pearson, Nanette Rice, Linda Sue Fick, and especially to Moon Angell for working the raffle prizes even when a tragedy happened right before and she plowed through it like a professional with the help of Kimberly Ray Khaos, Georgette Lynn, and June Hutch.  Thank you thank you everyone!!!!

I was blessed to have met Tony Schaff, the eldest child of Mike and Krisi and asked him what it was like growing up in the Schaff household, and he happily answered, “Our home was full of life, memories, and new lessons.  My siblings and I loved to do anything with our parents especially when it came to growing up and learning how to work on our cars or to mow the lawn.  Our memories and life lessons with them have made us who we are today and even with this big obstacle in front of us, it is another life lesson we are going to have to work through.  Even though they are not here with us in person to help us, they are here in spirit to guide us past this terrible situation we’ve been put in!”

He walked me through what happened the day of the accident, “I learned about the accident about an hour after it took place!  I was with my girlfriend and something did not feel right because my parents said they left the Eagles off Huron at about 7:27 p.m. Saturday the 26th.  We went driving to look for them and not even 5 minutes into the drive we found where the accident had taken place and where police officers were still trying to figure out what had happened that night!  About a half hour of being there, the officers finally told me that it was my parents and that they were not going to be coming home that night or ever again!!”

After asking him how he and his siblings are handling the situation, he said, “they are having a hard time, but we are working through together.  Our family is close.  We just need to find a way to make every bad time we have, better, especially having family from Utah here to help as well!”

He went on to say that his plans for being responsible for his siblings is to make sure they are staying safe and going to school if they feel capable.  He said, “I have so much family here to help I’m just trying to make sure we keep a roof over our heads and food in our stomachs while we go through all the ins and outs of trying to make sure they’re taken cared of after the funeral, and they go out into the world on their own.”

Since the accident, Tony has noticed how drivers are not paying attention and turning into traffic not caring and just running red lights seemingly just to go to their destination faster.   He wants to tell everyone, “check more than twice when you’re about to turn into on-coming traffic and to stay off your phones while driving, so you can keep full attention on people’s lives and your own while on the road!!”

Tony expressed his feelings about the poker run, “Where do I even begin?  Saturday was Amazing!  To see all the support from people we never even met that just wanted to help my siblings and I was unbelievable.  I am still speechless about it.  All I can really say is thank you to everyone that came out and helped.  Thank you to you Audrey and Cool Biker Lunch and Rides for helping plan it and getting it set up!!   Thank you so much!!!”