One of the primary goals of Hornbuckle Foundation is to collaborate and work together with other Recovery Community Organizations and non-profits. Monarch Sober Living played a pivotal role in the success of the Hornbuckle Foundation’s sober living placement and recovery coaching program. With their experience, they helped fine tune a dream and turn it into a successful reality, by providing guidance and teamwork. 
We were approached by Rider Justice with an idea to bring meals to sober living houses through 2Wheels4Meals. The Hornbuckle Foundation had dreamed of being able to do an event like this for the last year, and 2Wheels4Meals made it happen! 

Residents of sober living are near and dear to our hearts. They are working toward achieving long-term sobriety. This journey is not for the faint of heart! Many bridges have been burned, reputations destroyed, and it can be a long road to getting back on the right track. With COVID happening, isolation has wreaked havoc on the world. This event brought people together and was a reminder that they are not alone; that the community cares about their intrinsic value and worth. They’re worth some amazing, gourmet Italian food- worth the effort to be blessed. I loved what Laurie said the best, “We see you and we are proud of you.” So many people don’t get to hear that very often, even those not in recovery. It was a special day to be a part of. We are grateful and humbled to be chosen to play our small part. 

Sarah Hornbuckle visits with the #2wheels4meals crews