Anyone who knows me, knows that I am usually not at a loss for words, but I was literally at a loss for words about what to write about this month. I have spent the past 2 days trying to write something that was inspirational or educational about the meaning of Independence Day in 2020. After, much thought, I realized I am not main stream media. There is already to much about this on social media, and you can hardly turn on the TV without having to endure news breaks or daily briefings. Friends and family are suffering right now, and many readers are on the front-line fighting this virus or have been financially affected by the shutdowns.
Colorado Rider News is supposed to be fun and informative. However, it makes it hard to add that content, when almost every ride or event in our monthly schedule is based on COVID-19 or the current state of the protestors and rioters.
We care about this powersports community, the small businesses that we go to for parts, service, food/beverage, our places that we call home which are now completely changed and struggling. The doors may be open, but it will take months if not years, for recovery from this first shutdown.
So here are some updates on upcoming events that we all count on each year.
Ride for Life First Responders Poker Run – July 11th is CANCELLED FOR 2020. This event helps first responders with resources for their mental health and suicide prevention.
Cripple Creek Salute to American Veterans – August 21-23 – we spoke to Jim Wear of Pro-Promotions and as of the time we went to press, Jim stated that we are still a GO for the August event. There will be some changes that we will post as we get closer to the ride. For more updated information please go to www.theveteransrally.org
Colorado Women’s Ride – August 29th is CANCELLED – City of Golden informed the organizer that due to COVID, that they would not issue a permit for the 2020 ride.
*******UPDATE – Organizer Susan “Bubbles” Risky is working with Rider Justice and Dirty Dogs Roadhouse to continue to help the community and on the 29th they will host a Day of Rock with suggested donations going to BikerDown Foundation to help injured riders.
Can you SEE me Now – Look Twice Ride – September 5th – Normally this ride is held in May during motorcycle awareness month, but due to the shut-down rescheduled this ride for September. You can pre-register by going to www.bikerdown.org.
6th Annual Hornbuckle Foundation Poker Run – September 12th – This event is put on by the Hornbuckle Foundation and supported by the Sober Souls, MC & Dirty Dogs Roadhouse. Proceeds from this event will be used to help those suffering from substance use disorder to assist them with sober living and recovery coaching. For more information and updates please go to www.hornbucklefoundation.org
We are still unclear what the future will hold for weekly bike nights and other charitable rides. Colorado Rider News will keep you updated as we get more information.
Lastly, we have updated our Biker Owned Business (B.O.B.)page with some new business that bring more diverse products and businesses to our page. It has always been my hope that riders would look to our B.O.B. page when you need a service done, keeping those biker dollars within our community.
As always enjoy the ride, let us know what we can do better and BE SAFE OUT THERE
— Laurie Montoya, Publisher
Colorado Rider News