Scott O'Sullivan - The O'Sullivan Law Firm, motorcycle accident attorneys
Scott O’Sullivan

It was early March when the Rider Justice team started to understand that COVID-19 was about to turn life as we know it on its head. Talk of stay-at-home orders and non-essential business closures were running rampant. We could see the uncertainty in the road ahead and the challenge this brought to the local businesses that play an integral role in the motorcycle world we love. Our concern was primarily for the restaurants and bars that cater to riders. They serve as community meeting points for individual and group rides every single day. A home away from home for many. These are locally owned businesses at the core of our riding community and there was no way we could just sit back while owners and staff closed and braced for an unknown fate.

It was time for us to get creative and refocus our energy. Within days we hosted several video calls that brought in leaders in the Colorado riding community and who are like minded when it comes to rolling up your sleeves and helping others. We worked with the team from META, Colorado Rider News, and BikerDown Foundation. Each of us were determined to do whatever we could to make an impact within the community and industry alike.

Within a few days #2Wheels4Meals was born. The program would raise money through donations to buy meals from one of our local favorites, Dirty Dogs Roadhouse in Golden, CO. Our team and volunteers then distributed those meals to homeless kitchens, hospitals, first responders, and to staff at nursing homes. As of this writing, #2Wheels4Meals has purchased and distributed over 1800 meals.

The joy of making this happen – of helping local entrepreneurs and people hit hard by the pandemic – has allowed us to feed our souls and put smiles on many in need. However, the experience of locking arms with like-minded people and getting the work done, is deeply fulfilling as well. Existing relationships grew stronger and new bonds were cemented, laying the foundation for lasting partnerships.

Rider Justice is founded on contributing real value to our riding community. That truth allowed us to shift quickly and become something very different when the world needed us to be. We will continue to shift and move and do the work to stand up for bikers and the Colorado community every single day. 

Thank you to everyone who helped us, help others.