I don’t know about you, but as a rider in Colorado…. I am loving me some global warming! My theory is that if the mountains in Colorado get daily boost of snow, tourists will continue to come, and our local snowboarders and skiers will continue to head up the mountains every weekend bringing tourism dollars into our state. Having riding weather like this in February is such a treat for us. I am sure many can recall the old days when Abates Last Brass Monkey Run on New Year’s Eve would be cold and blistery, and you would literally freeze your nuts off it was so cold!
Colorado Rider News is proud to feature the unofficial program of the Colorado Motorcycle Expo. This Expo is an annual favorite in the riding community and a great chance to see friends you haven’t seen over the holidays, but also to get ready for spring! We have a new owner of the Expo this year, and I can’t wait to see the new additions, new ownership brings to the Expo.
CRN will also be updating our Biker Owned Business Directory for the 2020 season so if you are a rider who owns a business that provides a service to the community, be sure to go to our website and submit your business. Every month we try to feature a new biker owned business and tell their story.
Our publication is the last motorcycle related monthly publication in Colorado and we feel a tremendous responsibility to keep it going with great stories about what is happening within our community. We have also increased our circulation and distribution. If you aren’t seeing CRN at your local biker business, please contact us and we will do our best to get copies out. As a follower or reader of this publication, we count on YOU to tell us what you would like to read or features that you would like to see in CRN.
We have launched our 2020 advertising media kit and if you have any interest in getting your business seen to your demographic, please email us at info@coloradoridernews.com.
As always enjoy the ride, let us know what we can do better and BE SAFE OUT THERE.
— Laurie Montoya, Publisher
Colorado Rider News