Laurie Montoya, Publisher

Normally this November issue would be filled with holiday cheer and gearing up for Christmas, but alas our biker community is mourning the loss of Mark “Munky” Berman.  It has only been a few weeks and the pain and loss are still so very real to us.

Colorado Rider News has devoted a 4-page spread as a memorial to a biker that meant so much to this community.  We hope that all who read our publication will know that Munky was a friend to all and that he lived by a Biker Code that is so rare these days.  He never left a biker stranded or a friend with no where to go.  He had such an eclectic group of friends from his concert friends, riding friends and his work friends.  When Munky entered a crowded room, you couldn’t help but see the level of respect he had from everyone.  We all have a story about Munky and how he saved our asses at one time or the other.

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I was so blessed to be concert, riding and work friend with him and there were times when he would call me just to say hello.  He loved with all his heart and was ready for the next chapter in his life of finding like he would say…”I want what you and Chomper have”

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Munky and MTS had advertised in our publication since its inception and Munky had a strong opinion about what he felt CRN should look like.  He loved that we featured Biker Owned Business and he had been featured in our publication several times.  Munky was a long-standing sponsor and friend to BikerDown Colorado and had been towing our injured and broke down riders for almost 9 years, but most importantly on a personal note, Munky Mark was my friend.  I met him 10 years ago at a gas station in Evergreen when he was just getting started and he never said no to anything that I asked.  

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It is the hope of this publication that his family will enjoy the photos and memorial to Munky and know that we can never take away your pain, but that this Colorado biker community will forever be there for you both.

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We hope you will hold on to this issue of Colorado Rider News and we welcome your comments and thoughts on what CRN can do better in the future and enjoy the ride!