Colorado and mother nature being the way they are… you just never know what you are going to get every year for the BikerDown’s Look Twice Save a Life ride, but still the riders always say they wouldn’t miss this ride! The road captains were on messenger daily trying to alter their ride in the event of rain, hail or snow. Registrations were up this year and BikerDown had over 100 riders pre-register and we had an additional 50 riders register at Avalanche Harley-Davidson in Golden.
The road captains included Skip Hohnhorst, Audrey Paulus and Michael Shepard with the help of others great volunteers, roared out of Avalanche for as many riders said was one of the best rides they had done in a long time. The ride was a great mixture of mountain rides all put together. This wasn’t a ride with a lot of stops. This was about riding and getting back safely.
Riders arrived back at Dirty Dogs Roadhouse to Brothers of the Sun playing on the Rider Justice stage. Food was hot, and drinks were cold, and riders began purchasing raffle tickets and prizes on great merchandise donated by Avalanche HD and Randy Run for Fallen Bikers.

This year was a very special year as the board members and sponsors from our other chapters in Arizona and Nevada were in attendance. Chad Schaub, Nathan Morris and Brandi Moya from Bighorn Law flew in for an opportunity to ride in our breathtaking mountains. The President from BD Arizona drove in with their bikes loaded on the Arizona Motorcycle Towing truck and our new Executive Director Sarah Cupp and auctioneer Kenny arrived in sports car fashion to support BikerDown Colorado.
Our new sponsor Todd Hills from Wide-Open Saloon in Sedalia brought the motorcycle that they are donating to help injured riders. A very special thank you to Mark and Rob from Dirty Dogs Roadhouse who have supported BikerDown since the opening of DD, and never say no to anything we have ever asked them for. They not only provide the biker community our own true biker bar… but they don’t forget to step up and help those injured riders when they need it the most.

Lastly and certainly not least, BikerDown presented Scott O’Sullivan and his law firm an award for 5 years of supporting injured motorcycle riders. As many riders have heard me say, there would be no BikerDown in Colorado or anywhere else without the years of support from Scott O’Sullivan, his law firm and now Rider Justice. I say to anyone who has been injured in a motorcycle accident, please call Scott’s firm or Rider Justice and go with a firm that helps this biker community in action, not just in getting your cases.
BikerDown raised over $5400 dollars to help injured motorcycle riders in the Colorado community and 100% of those funds are in our Accident Fund to help Colorado riders.