By: Laurie Montoya, Publisher

There are months that you are glad they are behind you, and for me March 2019 came in with a bang! We had a record snow blizzard, record cold temperatures and you just weren’t sure whether to light the fire and hibernate for another month, or to open the windows and enjoy that spring has arrived.
Just when I am ready to get back on the bike…mother nature says, you might want to wait a few weeks. While there are always days in every month that you can see our bikers out riding, we would remind you that with the flip flop of weather, there is still a great amount of sand on the roads and potholes that need to be repaired from this winter!
Bikers come in all shapes and sizes
I am always so pleased when Colorado Rider News and our writer Stormy feature riders and their riding groups or clubs that show just how diverse our riding community is. This month Stormy rode with Colorado Deaf Riders Rocky Mountain Chapter and gives us a unique look into how riding without the ability hear doesn’t stop deaf riders from their love for the ride!
Stormy also spoke with a riding group called the RETREADS a international riding group that accepts everyone with one catch, you must be over 40.
Thank you Stormy for continuing to bring CRN diverse features that truly enhance our publication!
What to Watch for in May
Motorcycle Awareness Month
As we enter May and Motorcycle Awareness month, I continue to see CDOT’s and their MOST programs focusing on increased rider training as if the majority of accidents occurring were caused by rider error? When in fact, a good percentage of motorcycle accidents are caused by some sort of distracted driving, running stop lights, cagers making left turns and by a drivers not paying attention. So, my question is why aren’t these programs and CDOT dollars being spent educating the drivers and working towards stopping distracted driver. For several months, CORD, Rider Justice, Abate and other motorcycle related organizations have been fighting at the legislative level to increase fines for texting and driving and just helped pass SB19-012 – Use of Mobile Devices While Driving. These groups feel that we must get the cellphones out of driver’s hands so they can focus more on driving and keeping our roads safer.