By: Chomper Montoya
For several months Colorado Rider News promoted the Colorado Mammoth’s Military Appreciation Night. My father- in-law is a Vietnam veteran, as well as my son-in-law is active military and I don’t think there is ever enough military appreciation nights. Well the Mammoth and Pepsi center knows how to honor their military and throw a party. Even if you weren’t a fan of Lacrosse or had never been to a Mammoth game, it was a fun filled evening of entertainment and fast- moving Lacrosse.

The evening started with the Air Force academy band playing in the outside area entrance, and as soon as you got inside, you could feel the energy starting to build and watching the number of veterans and active military with their families was a sight that just warmed your heart.
A group of us that had sold at large number of tickets to help BikerDown were given an opportunity to ride our bikes onto the field for the pre-game festivities. Many aren’t aware that it is a time-honored tradition that Jeff Archuleta and the Fire Riders drive onto the field on their Harleys before every home Mammoth game.
We all met at the Lakeview Lounge and roared down Colfax to Auraria Parkway to the Pepsi Center and rode right into the tunnel. As we lined up you could feel the excitement building and the crowd began to scream and cheer as we drove out with the Wild Bunch cheerleaders on the back of our bikes, the announcer introduced the riders from BikerDown. It was such an accomplishment for our motorcycle charity to be mentioned inside the Pepsi center.
All of us spent the rest of the night laughing and enjoying ourselves with our families and honoring the military.
There are still 2 home games left in April to attend a Colorado Mammoth game. Tickets are very reasonably priced and affordable enough to take your family. You won’t be disappointed!