By: Susan Dane, CORD Chair

A few weeks ago, a local couple was in a single vehicle motorcycle accident while riding with a group. After the couple was transported to the hospital, it took the remaining group members hours (and I mean HOURS) to find emergency contact information so that relatives could be contacted.

Click to enlarge: ICE card from BikerDown

Click to enlarge: ICE card from BikerDown

How many of you have emergency contact info you carry on you when you ride? Or drive, bicycle, etc. Most of us probably have ICE information on our cell phones, but phones can be destroyed or lost when an accident occurs. And, a lot of them are password protected.

Emergency responders look through wallets to locate emergency contact information. Something as simple as writing ICE info on a business size card and placing it behind your driver’s license can save emergency responders a lot of time. There are so many options to acquire ICE cards, and there is another alternative in customizing an ID bracelet and wearing it when you ride ( is one company who offers these bracelets). In addition to listing your spouse/partner as a contact, identify one or two other friends or family members as you may be with your spouse when an accident occurs.

Click to enlarge: ICE card from the Mile High HOG chapter.

Click to enlarge: ICE card from The O’Sullivan Law Firm

The importance of having ICE info on you when you ride, drive, bicycle, etc.,cannot be stressed enough. The easier it is for emergency contacts to be identified, the quicker they can respond and be with you.