It is estimated that over One Million motorcycle riders are at this years 81st Annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. Vendors are everywhere and a shopper can get brain damage trying to see all that the vendors have for sale from Biden Sucks tshirts to leather and fishnet outfits that would frighten fish.
However, a motorcycle loving 8 year old’s lemonde stand has become a popular attraction at Rally this year. Wyatt Dennis opened the stand last year to earn a little money toward a Lego set he wanted. He raised enough money to get his Lego set and donate $200 to St. Jude Children’s Hospital.

This year, Dennis’ lemonade stand went viral after someone at a nearby campground posted about him on social media. But when Wyatt realized he had such a lucrative business, he sought some financial advice. He and his parents came up with a plan that 50% of what is earned should go to his college fund, 30% to St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital and 20% to buy a dirt bike.

As of today, Wyatt had raised about $9,000 at his lemonade stand. MedVed Autoplex in Denver also offered to match up to $1,000 in donations for St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital.
In addition to quenching the thirst of Rallygoers and others, Wyatt believes he’s making people happy by operating the lemonade stand.
“When they come up to the table, they have a smile on their face. I think I’m inspiring people,” he said.
Wyatt, who will be a third-grader at Piedmont Valley Elementary School this fall, is thrilled to be able to donate some of the money to the children being treated at St. Jude’s.
“It feels like I’m making other kids and their parents happy, but also making me happy that I can help them,” he said.

Wyatt’s mom and dad, Robin and Devin, warned him that if he wanted to do the lemonade stand he was the one who would have to work it, not them. They agreed to be there with him, but he was the one to wave in the customers and serve the lemonade.
If you stop at the Wyatt’s lemonade stand, please share photos with us at info@coloradoridernews.com.
8/9/2021 – UPDATE ON WYATT’S PROGRESS – It has been reported that the Black Hill Riders and South Dakota Sport Bikes got together and presented Wyatt’s with a dirt bike today! Watch the Youtube video here