By: Susan Dane
Rocky Mountain Harley Davidson HOG Chapter #0421 embarked on a weekend trip to Santa Fe June 4 – 6, 2021. Bob Cuculich has been the organizer of this overnighter, aptly named Wild HOGS weekend, since its inception. It also happened to be Bob’s birthday on Friday, June 4th, so of course, we had to sing Happy Birthday to him before we took off. 32 HOG Chapter members rode to Santa Fe this year in 3 groups, taking different scenic routes to the Sage Inn in Santa Fe.

Bob’s local friend, who owns a charter and sightseeing flying service, provided a sightseeing tour to two lucky winners on Saturday morning, with a group photo taken of the entire Chapter and their motorcycles staged on the airport tarmac. After the picture, the group headed to Thunderbird Harley Davidson in Albuquerque, then a scenic ride on the Turquoise Trail Scenic Byway.

The historic Byway encompasses 15,000 square miles in the heart of central New Mexico and is approximately 50 miles along Highway 14. First, a stop was made to enjoy the breathtaking view from atop Sandia Crest, and then the ride continued through the mining towns of Golden, Madrid, and Cerrillos.

Riders also enjoyed a stop at the now-infamous Maggie’s Diner in Madrid. Madrid is about an hour north of Albuquerque and where part of the movie Wild Hogs was filmed. Maggie’s is now a gift shop with numerous Wild Hogs and Del Fuego T-shirts and souvenirs. A little know trivia fact is that Maggie’s Diner was never an actual diner, the Wild Hogs movie set team for the movie, and they left it for the town to do with it what they wanted.

It just so happened that this year is the 15th anniversary of the Wild Hogs movie, and several of the Del Fuego Motorcycle Club members who were in the film were in Madrid to celebrate. What an expected fun surprise that was…..we couldn’t have timed our arrival any better.

Madrid was once a historic coal mining town and ghost town; Madrid is now a creative community with over 40 shops and galleries, several restaurants, a spa, and a museum. Madrid is famous for its annual Christmas lighting displays, which began in the 1920s. There are also three quaint but modernized Bed & Breakfasts in Madrid that riders can stay overnight to take in all that this small town offers. A couple of miles north is the quaint village Cerrillos that includes a state park with hiking paths and horseback riding.
Chapter members headed home on Sunday, taking several different routes—some wanting to take the scenic route home while others took I-25. This trip was a great weekend getaway and one that I would highly recommend to any rider looking to take a long weekend cruise on the bike with good friends. Creating memories with friends on a trip like this is what it’s all about…..Life is Good.