By: Bikers for Justice

For those of you who do not know, April is the official month for Child Abuse Awareness and we truly need to bring more awareness to this pressing issue. The COVID-19 pandemic outbreak seems to have caused an alarming decrease in calls reported to the Colorado Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline, 844-CO-4-KIDS (844-264-5437). The Colorado Department of Human Services (CDHS) has calculated that calls from medical professionals have decreased up to 11% and calls from education professionals decreased by up to 30%! However, calls from friends and family have increased by 5%1.

Michelle Barnes, the executive director of CDHS stated, “Usually, we see a drop in calls when school ends for summer, but the decrease started much sooner – in March when remote learning began – and continued throughout the summer until in-person learning resumed in the fall. As schools reopened with some form of in-person learning, calls to the hotline increased but have not returned to pre-pandemic levels.”

Colorado Children need our help and support and that is where our organization fits in!

Bikers for Justice is a riding group focused on preventing one more child from being abused.

We are BIKERS FOR JUSTICE! A group of riders who are coming together from every walk of life, but the one issue that binds them together is preventing one more child from being abused.

Our Mission is founded on the vision that every child has the right to feel safe from further abuse. We are there to empower the children that have been abused and free them from their fears. Bikers for Justice is focused to eliminate further abuse to children with our physical presence by providing a 360-degree shield to prevent further abuse. We will immediately respond to a child in need. We have got your back!

It is difficult to know the scope of how much child-abuse and neglect really affect one of our most vulnerable members of our communities.  Abused children are often isolated, especially when the trauma involves a caregiver they depend on every day. The harm many children face is not recognized or reported by adults.

Here is some statistic that one might find shocking:

  • Every 10 seconds a report of child abuse is made
  • 91% of child abuse perpetrators are parents
  • 7.2 million children every year are referred to Child Protective Services
  • 4 to 5 children die from child abuse or neglect every day
  • 77% of child fatalities involve one parent
  • 75% of children who die of abuse and are under age 3

The CDHS lists some examples of how our community can help to strengthen families, even those who are not raising a child or working with children or families every day1:

  • Be a listening ear for a neighbor who may be having a difficult time.
  • Offer to shovel a neighbor’s sidewalk when it snows.
  • Help a parent connect to or apply for benefits. Let them know it is okay to need help.
  • Community groups can connect parents to one another to help build support networks.
  • Employers can allow for flexibility in scheduling where possible.
  • People in the service industry can notice positive parenting moments and offer compliments.
  • Faith communities can offer financial support or goods to families who need it.

The healing journey for the children that have experienced child abuse and neglect can be extremely painful. With the help of BIKERS FOR JUSTICE the healing processes can start. We work closely with the families, state, and local agencies to protect children.

BIKERS FOR JUSTICE’s mission simple Every child has the right to feel safe in their environment. We look to give a child it is power back.  They will know that we got their backs, and they need not be afraid.  We assist them in expressing themselves and to protect them to get their voice back to testify.

Remember: IF YOU SEE SOMETHING …SAY SOMETHING!  It might just save a child’s life. 

You can reach us day or night at our help line: 303-725-3159 or send us an email at .