March is here and with the warmer temperatures here, its hard to not start looking forward to spring rides, events and trying to get back to normal. Today it was in the news that the governors of Texas and Mississippi both announced that TODAY they would be lifting their states’ mask mandates and rolling back many of their Covid-19 health mandates, just one day after the CDC warned against complacency in the face of emerging coronavirus variants.
The future of our motorcycle events in Colorado are beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel and more events are being added to our Event Calendar in the hopes that restrictions will continue to loosen up.
In this issue we will share with our readers The Colorado Motorcycle Swap Meet held at Dirty Dogs Roadhouse in February. This was a combined effort of the Motorcycle Expo, Dirty Dogs Roadhouse, Rider Justice and Colorado Rider News whose only goal was helping our local biker owned business get thru these winter months due to the official Expo being postponed to 2022.
Colorado Riders News is proud to work with charities, riding groups and biker businesses to help promote your event. Please visit our website and submit your event on our calendar and we will make sure it gets on the calendar at no-charge.
On a safety note, please ride safe out there, even with the beautiful weather, there is sand in the mountains and on the roads. Watch the conditions of possible black ice in the shade.
As always enjoy the ride, let us know what we can do better and BE SAFE OUT THERE
Laurie Montoya, Publisher
Colorado Rider News
Publisher, Colorado Rider News