Mother nature clearly loves the biker community and on February 20th the day of our 1ST modified swap meet at Dirty Dogs Roadhouse in conjunction with Scott from the Colorado Motorcycle Expo and Rider Justice and Colorado Rider News was confirmation that that in the biker world, “If you build it….THEY WILL COME”.

Swap meets at Dirty Dogs are regularly done in June and December with great vendors everywhere, Mark can be found roasting something to satisfy the overwhelming crowd. It was unclear to all of us that even if the weather were nice, how many attendees would come out to support the biker owned business.
It was about 10am, that we got our answer, the parking lot was full up top, and drivers were parking on the side of Colfax all the way up past Wrigley’s. Riders were walking around with the goods they had purchased, and you could see the guys carrying around parts to sell and parts they had bought

This modified swap meet is a testament to the pride and unity the biker community feels for each other. Our biker owned businesses are struggling in this pandemic as the events they heavily rely on to get them thru the winter are rescheduled, cancelled, or eliminated entirely. Scott Schultz from our Expo, Scott O’Sullivan from Rider Justice and myself met with Mark and Rob from Dirty Dogs Roadhouse to see if we could come up with an option to help these businesses, the modified swap meet was the option we all came up with that could help everyone.

The party continued long after the swap meet was over with riders and vendors staying around just to celebrate a day of normality and listening to great music.

After the event was concluded, we spoke with several of the vendor who said the swap meet was a god send, and would help them get thru the month. Most said they would be back again in March and were so grateful for the opportunity to sell their items and make a few dollars.
If you are biker owned business and would like to participate in our March 20th swap meet, please visit the expo’s website at www.coloradomotorcycleexpo.com. Good spots are still available