Michelle Mallin has been at the forefront of every aspect of the Honor Bell’s creation and operation since 2014 when she helped to begin the bell’s journey from an idea into a reality. A connector of people and organizations par excellence, she brought an energy and level of experience to the Foundation that was essential.

In 2018, Michelle was named the Executive Director for the Foundation and has shepherded its growth and operations even under the trying circumstances of the COVID pandemic in 2020. Since a 2016 cancer diagnosis Michelle has been not only helping to keep the bell tolling, volunteers organized, and fundraising flowing, but has been dealing with surgeries, complications, and treatments. Through it all, she has remained committed to the Honor Bell’s mission. Last December, Michelle decided that it was time to step down as Executive Director to focus on her health and family. She will remain involved with the Foundation as a member of the Board of Directors.

Effective immediately, Chris Boyer will take on the role of Executive Director. Chris has been serving as Assistant Director for several months and has been involved in day-to-day operations, strategic planning, and more since he started

THonor Bell Foundation, Inc. is a Colorado nonprofit, 501(c)(3) corporation based in Denver. Its primary purpose is to provide a unique funeral honor for deceased military veterans through the slow ringing, known as tolling, of a ceremonial bell. The foundation also provides veteran outreach and community education.
To accomplish this mission, the Foundation produced the Honor Bell and renders “Bell Honors” at the funerals of U.S. military veterans and personnel killed in action to augment the dignity and respect that should be paid to those that have served our nation. In addition, the bell attends public events with a military or patriotic theme, and tolls in a memorial capacity. The foundation’s volunteers also attend programs in schools to educate young people about the significance of dignity, honor and respect owed to our military and fallen heroes.

Editors Note: As President and Founder of the BikerDown Foundation and Editor of Colorado Rider News – I was honored to do this article for Michelle, but very sad for our community. Many do not know, that Michelle was an intrical part of founding BikerDown in 2010, and was an integral part of the structure of BikerDown that still is used today. I had a dream, and Michelle had the tools to implement it. She worked tirelessly thru the many nights to always meet the deadlines that we had. In fact, she ran another non-profit simultaneously while helping me found BikerDown. While I respect her desire to want to spend time with her grandchildren and family, our community has lost a hero. Her devotion to this community is beyond words and I wish her all the best.