COVID red levels in Denver and surrounding counties have put a hault on many of our charitable events and rides in December. Most recently, Rocky Mountain Harley-Davidson had to cancel their 35th Annual Children’s Hospital Toy Run. This has been a time honored tradition in our biker community in Colorado with attendance hitting all time records in 2019.

Rider Justice, BikerDown Foundation and Colorado Rider News took it upon themselves to try to ensure the kids from Children’s Hospital didn’t go without their toys for Christmas by organizing a Modified Toy Drive/Run and to put a smile on Kathy Yevoli, owner of Rocky Mountain HD face.
On Saturday December 5th, riders are asked to decorate their bikes, strap on their toys just like they have done for years and meet at Dirty Dogs Roadhouse in Golden at 12pm. Kickstands are up at 1pm and we will do a short ride to Rocky Mountain where Kathy and Marina will have bins and boxes ready to accept your unwrapped toys and gifts for the kids.
If for any reason you cannot make it on Saturday, bring your unwrapped toy today thru Friday to the dealerships.