Thousands of Denver residents took Bandimere Speedway’s invitation to attend the “Stop the Chaos” on Tuesday night seriously and came out in droves by cars, motorcycles and by buses. The event was an expression of “Our God given right to demand a stop to the COVID Chaos Governor Polis has inflicted upon all of us with his Executive Orders and Public Health orders.”
“We are beaten down, but we are not broken,” the family said in a news release. “The support we have received from those who understand civil rights has been remarkable and we will continue to fight on their behalf of all venues.”
Bandimere family

Bandimere violated a Court order over the 4th of July weekend and went ahead with their fireworks display. Bandimere did not limit the attendance to their holiday event and had record attendance.
The Jefferson County Public Health took the racetrack to court to enforce social distancing requirements at the speedways events and the Judge issued a temporary restraining order limiting their crowd size to 175 people per activity and that fans from different families stay 6 feet apart, which has caused Bandimere to have to cancel many scheduled summer events including the Mile High Nationals one of its’ biggest races of the year for the 2nd time.

The Bandimere family has said that limiting events to 175 people would put them out of business. They also believe that the governor’s orders are unconstitutional. The public was invited down to the racing surface to stand in Unity and group photo.