For several months, Colorado Rider News has been telling riders about the chance to win a 2017 Harley-Davidson Road Glide in a bike raffle. As with most raffles the cost of the bike comes out of the proceeds from raffle sales with the balance going to the charity of their choice which is BikerDown Foundation.

Well we have an exciting update. Todd Hills, owner of Wide Open Saloon notified BikerDown Foundation after attending the May 18th Look Twice Save a Life ride that Wide Open Saloon would donate the 2017 Road Glide 100% to BikerDown.
Wide Open Saloon is doing a complete remodel of the Sedalia Bar & Grill and are hoping to open in July of 2019, Todd has given Wide Open more than a fresh coat of paint, this is a total remodel and modernization to the place and will surely be a necessary stop when out riding.
You do not need to present to win, which is a great benefit to anyone purchasing a raffle ticket. Winner will be announced at Wide Open Saloon on October 26th at their Halloween event.
Tickets will be $20.00 for 1 ticket, $100.00 for 6 tickets and can be purchased online at Wide Open Saloon. Wide Open Saloon and BikerDown will be at the Freedom Fest on June 29th at the Jefferson County Fairgrounds as well as many other BikerDown events.
So, get your tickets now, and watch for the coming opening of Wide Open Saloon in Sedalia.