It is a well-known fact that the general public doesn’t watch for motorcycles no matter how many billboards CDOT puts up or lighted signs that are only up a few days in May or in August during Sturgis. It is a well-known fact that most motorcycle accidents involve a car and/or some sort of distracted driving. Our riding community continues to be the victim of irresponsible drivers who are out driving with no driver’s license and little to no insurance and driver’s leaving accident victims on the ground and leaving the scene.
BikerDown Foundation in conjunction with Susan Dane with CORD (Coloradans Organized for Responsible Driving), Sen. Lois Court, Scott O’Sullivan and Rider Justice and a number of other motorcycle awareness organizations continue to work to try to make the roads safer for all drivers and riders on the road by increasing fines for Texting and Driving, as well as getting SB19-012 thru several layers of committee to take handheld cell phone use out of driver’s hands while driving.
May has been deemed Motorcycle Awareness Month and BikerDown received a proclamation proclaiming May 17th as always being Colorado Motorcycle Awareness Day.
May 18th, 2019, BikerDown Foundation is asking all riders, organizations, groups and clubs to please joins us for the only Motorcycle Awareness ride in Denver, our Look Twice Save a Life ride. This will be the 6th year that BikerDown has hosted this event and we continue to help riders get the message out by giving each paid registered rider a motorcycle awareness t-shirt. This year, our theme is One Text or Call, COULD WRECK IT ALL…Watch for Motorcycles. We chose this year’s theme in honor of the hard work that all the organizations referenced above have done to make our roads safer for all riders, but specifically motorcycle riders.
Our ride will start at Avalanche Harley-Davidson in Golden with kickstands up at 10-10:30 am. Our ride will end safely at Dirty Dogs Roadhouse where we will have some amazing sponsors and entertainment there. Our sponsor for the ride, Rider Justice has enabled us to bring you some great entertainment on the 18th, we have secured Brothers of the Sun to play on the Rider Justice stage at Dirty Dogs. We will have amazing raffles, 50/50 drawings and most important silent and live auction items. Auctioneer Kenny Cupp from BD Arizona is coming into auction items for us.
This is BikerDown Colorado’s primary fundraiser that will enable us to continue the mission of helping injured riders until the end of the year!
You can register for our event at http://www. bikerdown.org to be guaranteed your own One Text or Call, Could Wreck it All t-shirt. If you can’t make the event, please register and BikerDown will ship your shirt to you. 100% of your donation goes into the Colorado BikerDown Accident Fund to help injured riders.
Remember to Ride Safe and SAVE THE DATE!