Well, last month, it appeared that Spring was going to come much earlier than normal, but alas, Mother Nature never disappoints here in Colorado. The snow arrived with bitter cold winds and shows us again who is in charge, and how unpredictable the weather can be. Even Nevada and Arizona weathered unprecedented storms and towns like Las Vegas and Flagstaff were blanketed with inches of snow.

Laurie Montoya, Publisher
Senate Bill 19-012 – Use of Electronic Mobile Devices While Driving
A special THANK YOU to Susan Dane from CORD (Coloradans for Responsible Drivers), its members and other organizations including
BikerDown and Abate of Colorado. THANK YOU to Scott O’Sullivan and his staff from Rider Justice for working so hard with Sen. Lois Court on this Bill. This is a necessary step in getting the cell phones out of the hands of drivers and help curb the number of accidents caused by some form of Distracted Driving.
Save the Patch
Last month CRN featured a story about the Federal government’s attempt to take a patch away from the Mongols, MC. A few days before we went to press, it was posted that the Judge who presided over this federal case has ruled that the Mongol, MC can retain their middle patch. U.S. District Judge David O. Carter ruled that the government’s quest to confiscate the patches from club members amounted to a poorly devised, illegal case of government overreach. Citing the First Amendment guarantee of freedom of association and the Eighth Amendment’s bar on excessive punishment, Carter declared the club’s symbol is regarded as too important or valuable to be interfered with.
Best of the Best Awards Ceremony
Join us on March 16th at Dirty Dogs Roadhouse for our awards ceremony listing the BEST of the BEST for 2019. You still have time to vote for your favorite biker bar, best breakfast and a variety of other categories by visiting our website at www.coloradoridernews.com
Safe riding out there!