By: Janalee Card-Chmel

Over a thousand bikers showed up – and gussied up! – for the 33rd Annual Toy Run on Sunday, December 2, braving temps in the teens to line up and deliver much-needed toys to Children’s Hospital Colorado.

Bikers lined up starting at 8am in Aurora Sports Park and were released in waves starting at 11am to deliver their toys to the hospital. While waiting to ride to the hospital, they parked their bikes, wandered to the nearby tents for food, coffee and prizes, and greeted old friends. Many of the bikes – and the bikers! – were decked out with lights, tinsel and piles of toys. Santa and Mrs. Claus were even on scene!

Dennis Tye looked a bit like an icicle as he helped sell food tickets benefitting BikerDown, but his enthusiasm was warm! “I rode in from Lafayette, CO,” he said, shaking off the cold. “When I left my house, it was 14 degrees. But I wouldn’t miss this event for the world.”

As the morning wore on, the temperature climbed to a balmy 32 degrees but a slight wind kept everyone hopping and looking for warm coffee at the BikerDown table. Scott O’Sullivan of The O’Sullivan Law Firm bought thousands of breakfast burritos and coffee, which BikerDown sold to benefit their cause: helping bikers and their families recover after an accident.

“If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a thousand times: bikers are the most generous people on the planet,” said Laurie Easton, founder of BikerDown. “This is probably my favorite event of the year.”

Rider Justice also sponsored the event and gave away awesome prizes such as beanies, T-shirts, mugs, screen cleaners, ponchos and more. But the main event at the Rider Justice tent was the Yeti Cooler, decorated with the American flag and the Rider Justice logo. Over 200 people registered to win the cooler and Scott O’Sullivan, founder of Rider Justice, pulled the winning name on Sunday night.

Hope Bissonnette was the lucky winner of the $500 cooler! If you know Hope, give her a call and tell her she’s bringing drinks to the next party!

David O’Niones, Assistant Director of the Douglas County Hog Chapter, joins the ride year after year and had this to say: “One of our favorite events is the Children’s Toy Run. Our chapter had 32 riders and 26 bikes show up with subfreezing temps to contend with this year. But we simply won’t miss it, as the opportunity offers us so much more than we could ever give. Where else will you find thousands of leather clad, badass bikers getting all teary-eyed and choked up as they deliver toys to these awesome kids, having to spend their holiday in the hospital?”

He continues, “Just the short ride from the Aurora Sports Park to Children’s Hospital gets to me every time, as people stand on the side of the road with signs thanking the bikers for their gifts to the children. And when we go into the hospital and are received by such an appreciative staff and occasionally get to spend time with the children, it’s nothing short of life changing!”

If you missed the event but want to donate a gift to Children’s Hospital Colorado, check out their wish list here

Check out media coverage of the event at the following links: