As Christmas gets closer, our Adopt-a-Family program is in full swing, and we still have some families that need to be adopted. We are continuing to receive the names of families in our biker community who are struggling, injured riders who are still recovering, or families of riders who have passed that are grieving. There are veterans and families that are without work that won’t be able to put Christmas under the tree without assistance from our Adopt-a-Family program.

Each family, with the help of our sponsors and your direct contributions, receives a $250-dollar gift card. Walmart donates all the food for families to take home and make their own dinner. Adopt-a- Family also has a direct line to Santa Claus, and he always comes to visit the children and bring some gifts for them.

As we enter the holiday season, many of us begin to feel joy and excitement as we get closer to Christmas. However, many families in our powersports community begin to WORRY about how they are going to make their children’s Christmas wishes come true.

This year, the Adopt-a-Family program is going back to our grassroots and will focus primarily on motorcycle families, bikers who are still recovering from their injuries, and families that have lost the primary family member and have children.

This year we are on an aggressive fundraising effort to help over 75 families, but we need your help If you would like to adopt a family, you can go to our website, or fill out the form below. Please join us and make BIG DREAMS come true.