The holidays are less than 60 days away. It’s a time where you wonder where the year went? It is also a time that no matter how stressful your life has been in 2018 and you are ready to put 2018 behind you, it is also a time for giving and motorcycle riders are always the most giving individuals I have ever met.

Laurie Montoya, Publisher

Children’s Hospital Toy Run – SAVE THE DATE Sunday December 2nd marks the 33rd annual Children’s Hospital Toy Run and the biker community always comes together on this day. It is a where attendees can forget their troubles and put a smile on some children’s faces.

Colorado Rider News has devoted 4 pages to the Toy Run this year to make sure all riders know how the run works for those that may have not done this ride before as well as update veteran riders to some additional events happening after the actual run. This is a run for ALL riders, so no matter what you ride, decorate your bikes, put your Santa gear on, bungee your toys on and grab your friends and come out to Aurora Sports Park that morning. You won’t regret it.

Children’s Hospital is hosting an after-party this year on campus and will have food trucks and music to entertain. Mile High Harley in Aurora will be hosting their 9th annual After Party and is sure to not disappoint.

Winter Powersports – Riders are adrenaline junkies and while the snow may mean your motorcycle riding is over for a few months, Colorado Rider News would like to introduce you to other forms of winter powersports riding. This month we are doing a feature on snowmobiling in Colorado. For many motorcycle riders who might have ridden on a snowmobile before, there is a place where even someone who has never ridden a snowmobile can come out and try it for a day.

Grand Lake Colorado has one of the best snowmobile trails areas that I have experienced here, and we have an informative article about how snowmobiles have changed over the years and what Grand Lake has to offer in the form of snowmobile rentals and hotel accommodations.

Adopt a Family for the Holidays – As the holidays approach and most families gear up decorating their homes and shopping for holiday presents, it is also a time that many families who are struggling begin worrying how they will put Christmas presents under the tree for their kids. BikerDown thru our Adopt-A-Family program has been adopting families for over 6 years now. If know of a motorcycle riding family that is going to have a hard time this Christmas season, please email our Adopt a family program at and we will send you a adoption nomination form to fill out. In 2017, BikerDown adopted over 75 families and this year we are hoping to surpass that number. If you are looking to ADOPT a family in need this year, please visit our donation link that is available on our website

Enjoy your November and Thanksgiving holidays and if the weather holds, ride safe out there and remember CRN wants to cover the topics that are important to you.

Happy Holidays!