By Stretch McClure

Stretch McClure

Success comes in a lot of ways, but it doesn’t come with money and it doesn’t come with fame. It comes from having a meaning in your life, doing what you love and being passionate about what you do. That’s having a life of success.

When you have the ability to do what you love, love what you do and have the ability to impact people. That’s having a life of success. That’s what having a life of meaning is.

Crises marked by anxiety, doubt, and despair have always been those periods of personal unrest that occur at the times when a man is sufficiently unsettled to have an opportunity for personal growth.

We must always see our own feelings of uneasiness as being our chance for “making the growth choice” rather than the fear choice. This is the new year the new you. You can pass through another year, coasting on cruise control. Or you can step out of your comfort zone, trying things you have never done before, & make this year the year that you elevate from where you are & soar high.

Make it happen. Each one of us holds the promise of greatness within our heart, minds, and souls.

Our potential and where it leads us are as unique as our fingerprints, yet the way to access what is possible is universal. Affirm your life; find joy every day, even in the most mundane; and embrace your strengths and use them better yourself and the world.